Friday, March 17, 2017

Oh, hello!

You know how sometimes, when you have an idea, it's all you can think about? And, so, you bring it to fruition, you do the thing, you create the blog. And, once it's done, the mind goes just as blank as the page you are staring at.

That ever happen to you? No?
Just me?

I had the idea to create a blog. I don't have any real direction for it. Perhaps that will come with time, perhaps it will remain a place to let my mind roam free. Whatever it becomes, it's mine for me to do as I please. Ramble. Rant. Explore. Review. Discover. All welcome here.

So, here's a little about me just in case anyone actually does happen upon this.
*I'm a 32 year old wife and mother in the Northeast.
*My husband and I are approaching our 8 year anniversary.
*We have two daughters, ages seven and nearly six, and a crazy, big eared dog.
*I homeschool our children, toying with unschooling concepts which seem to work better for our day to day.
*We own our home (perhaps I'll write about projects?) and recently bought a chunk of undeveloped land upstate that we plan on turning into our family camp and, potentially, a retirement property when the time comes.
*I'm fairly addicted to coffee. Seems like I can never get enough.
*I often feel craftier than I am.
*This one you may have guessed: I absolutely LOVE Gilmore Girls.

Remember when Jess got 'beaked' by a swan? Season 3, episode 13. That's where this blog gets its name. Watch out for the swans. Just random enough to keep expectations at bay but also pays homage to my favorite show. I originally wanted to call it monkey, monkey underpants (and did, subsequently, tie it in above) but a quick Google told me that title was already in use by multiple folks so.... I also considered CopperBoom but it just didn't have the ring to it that I was looking for.

Anyway. Welcome to my random blog. Kick your shoes off, grab a cup of coffee and a cozy blankie. Make yourself comfortable and stick around for awhile!

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